Umi Ishihara
アーティスト/映画監督。愛、ジェンダー、個人史と社会を主なテーマに、フィクションとドキュメンタリーを交差しながら映像を主なメディアとして制作している。長編映画「重力の光:祈りの記録篇」が第14回恵比寿映像祭でプレミア上映、その後シアター・イメージフォーラム他全国劇場公開。(2022)第15回 資生堂アートエッグ入選(2021) 初長編映画『ガーデンアパート』東京藝大の卒業制作『忘却の先駆者』がロッテルダム国際映画祭に二作同時選出(2019)また、英BBC/BFIテレビ助成作品『狂気の管理人』(2019)を監督。主な受賞に、英国の現代美術賞Bloomberg Contemporary入選(2019)現代芸術振興財団CAF賞岩渕貞哉賞受賞(2016)など。
● EASTEAST_TOKYO 2023 プロジェクト出展作家 ● EE_V/S/P Program: the PLAN Selected by EE_V/S/P Program
Umi Ishihara is an artist and Film Director. The major themes of her work centre around love, personal memories and society. Her work adopts a mix of documentary and fiction, muddying the waters of believability. Feature film ‘Gravity and Radiance: The full testament’ premiered at Yebisu International Festival for Art & Alternative Visions and the theater released including Image Forum. (2022) Selected for the 15th shiseido art egg (2021) First feature film ‘The Garden Apartment’ and short film ‘The Pioneer’ premiered at International Film Festival Rotterdam 2019 and across seas. The Short film ‘Janitor of Lunacy’ was commissioned by the BFI/BBC(2019). Selected for Bloomberg New Contemporaries (2019) Contemporary Art Foundation Teiya Iwabuchi award. (2016)
● EASTEAST_TOKYO 2023 Project Participating Artist ● EE_V/S/P Program: the PLAN Selected by EE_V/S/P Program