Kyohei Sakaguchi
ポートレイト:Tatsuyasu Watana
1978年、熊本県生まれ。2001年、早稲田大学理工学部建築学科卒業。作家、建築家、絵描き、音楽家、「いのっちの電話」相談員などいろいろやっている。『TOKYO 0円ハウス 0円生活』(河出文庫)、『独立国家のつくりかた』(講談社現代新書)、『幻年時代』(幻冬舎文庫/熊日出版文化賞受賞)、『坂口恭平 躁鬱日記』(医学書院)、『自分の薬をつくる』(晶文社)、画集『God is Paper』(ISI PRESS)『Pastel』『water』(左右社)ほか著作多数。
Portrait:Tatsuyasu Watana
Born 1978 in Kumamoto. Graduated from the Department of Architecture in the School of Science and Engineering at Waseda University in 2001. Since then, he has been active in multidisciplinary areas as a writer, architect, painter, and musician as well as creating a suicide help line by publishing his own phone number. His notable publications include “TOKYO Zero Yen House, Zero Yen Living” (Kawade Shobo), “Build Your Own Independent Nation” (DOYOSHA), “Gennen Jidai” (Gentosha, awarded by Kumanichi Publishing Cultural Award), “Sakaguchi Kyohei So Utsu Nikki” (IGAKU-SHOIN), and “Make Your Own Medicine” (Shobunsha), as a collection of his works, “God is Paper” (ISI PRESS), “Pastel” and “water” (SAYUSHA).