宮澤 謙一
Kenichi Miyazawa
1985年 山梨県生まれ。 宮澤の創作のルーツには、日曜大工やそれに纏わる工具を好み日用品やオブジェを自作していた父の存在があります。モノを作り出す様子とモノに囲まれた光景、自作ならではの創意工夫( = 既製品をその意図と違う使い方をする) を原体験に持つ宮澤は、既製品や映画の1シーン、朧げな思い出などを再現したり、組み合わせて作品を作りだします。近年は陶芸や絵画的フォーマットの作品、そしてアッサンブラージュ作品で展覧会を構成しています。 また、宮澤は日課的に中古品店巡りやネットサーフィンを通して詳細不明のジャンク品を集めています。「ブートレッグフィギア」「名もないキャラクター」「B級電化製品のパッケージ」に「作者不明の合成写真」などへのフェティッシュ的とも言える愛着を持ち、本来は誰も知りえることの出来ないそのモノたちの過去やストーリーに思いを馳せるのです。その時に初めて、「彼ら」は「かつて誰かが作り(作らされ)、消費され、捨てられたモノたち」という過去の痕跡や気配を獲得し、宮澤はその存在感を解体/再構築します(こうした感覚は、メディウムを問わず宮澤作品に共通していると言えます)。往往にして「彼ら」はもともとクールで美的なモノではなく、間抜けで不憫ですが、そんな「彼ら」を自身の作品に仕立てていく宮澤は「笑えるほうが良い」と愛情たっぷりに言い放ちます。
Miyazawa finds his creative roots in memories of his father and grandfather, who were both quite fond of carpentry and DIY tools, and often made daily necessities and various objects by themselves. Raised in an environment where he was immersed in things and their making, and where one always made things by oneself (or found unexpected uses for readymade objects,) Miyazawa does not make objects from scratch, rather making pieces in which he reworks found objects and existing film footage. In his daily routine, Miyazawa enjoys strolling to secondhand shops and randomly browsing websites to collect junk objects and images whose origins are no longer identifiable. With his almost fetishistic obsessions with categories like “bootleg figurines” “unknown characters” “low-grade electric appliances,” Miyazawa lets his imagination play with the histories and stories behind those objects, which essentially no one can fully know. It is only then, as Miyazawa dismantles and reassembles their very presence, that “they” are granted for the first time the traces and mood of the past that corresponds to objects that “had once been made by someone (who, possibly, was made to do so), and then consumed and disposed of.” More often than not, “they” are not originally cool and aesthetically significant, but are rather funny and pitiful. Miyazawa appropriates “them”, objects with their own vibrancy, into his own work, lovingly saying “funnier is better”.